Friday, June 8, 2012

Roo's Graduation!!

Andrew graduated!!  well okay, he graduated from room 5 at his school, but still, he graduated.  I think he'll actually move up to room 6 at the end of summer. 
He wore a cap.  And walked the "blue line" between the crowds.
I have a ton of pictures of the ceremony.  The kids did two numbers:  a rhyming song and peanut butter & jelly song.  It was so cute!!  Yours truly cried - the whole entire time.
He looked so cute on stage with his friends laughing and dancing.  I couldn't help crying.  I wish I would have thought to get pictures before the ceremony. 

My boys gravitate towards the prettiest teachers.  Mo-Mo is a family favorite.  ALL of my boys love her.
Amber is holding Colton.  She is another favorite.  Who am I kidding?  All of the teachers are our favorites!!  :)
This picture just makes me smile.  Two of three Goode boys and School Staff.  The other Goode boy was probably harassing another staff member. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Special Delivery!!

I received a special delivery in the mail a few weeks ago.  I've been a little busy lately:  traveled for work for a week (getting ready to travel again in a very special location), working, going to t-ball practices/games, cleaning, planting and loving on my new vegetable/herb gardens, and the usual - watering flowers, painting my nails, and experimenting with new hair styles.  tee hee hee  Sooo, I apologize for not blogging lately! 
The anticipation killed me!!  I had to walk from the mailbox to my kitchen (which is not a very far walk, but it still was agonizing!).  I looked at each side of the package and I knew I was going to love it!!
 See the little happy face??  I was all smiles opening my special mug from Mackenzie.  Check out my  Online Mug Swap for more details.  It was hosted by Suzels Says!

Mackenzie even included an adorable little card which is still in my kitchen!!
Mug reads:  Mommy needs sleep!!  But she'll settle for coffee!
Pink is my favorite color.  I love pink.  Perhaps it's because I see blue and green everywhere with three boys.  Who knows.  All I know is that I. Love. Pink.  I also love coffee -  much needed caffeine.  So thanks, Mackenzie!!  She is my first blog-friend! 

And plus, anyone who thinks I'm a rockstar mom - is awesome!  :-)