Boys - 3 boys - oh boy!! I have my hands full. I love talking with my boys teachers and hearing what crazy things they do. Here are a few recent stories:
-Ty tells his teacher, "Moe-Moe" to "get-em" when she turns around and finds all the toys she just cleaned up, all over the place. He now is egging on his friends at school. Keep in mind - Ty is 2.
-One of Andrew's teachers Dad stopped by earlier in the week. He tells her "my mommy has your dad's picture on the computer". His teacher thought it was hysterical. Good thing - wouldn't want her to think I'm stalking her Dad. ;)
-Andrew made God a hat one day with his snack food.
-Colton drags EVERYTHING out from under the cribs into the center of his classrooms. And just laughs and laughs about it.
In a few weeks, their school is hosting a graduation. I have tears in my eyes just thinking about it. Each "graduating" class does a performance. A's classroom is the only For the past few weeks, they have been practicing their routine. I caught a glimpse of it (and was yelled at for watching) today! I can't wait! I love all of their teachers. We are the luckiest family!
Nooooo! Colton is on the move? Sheesh! Time flies!